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Perfect Peaches

While taking a field trip to Alpine, Utah, we came across an enticing fruit stand we just had to stop at. Burgess Orchards is family owned by Clark Burgess, 3rd generation family member to run the farm and ranch. They grow Honey Crisp Apples and Peaches on their 17 acre orchard. Because of the early frost this year, the farm lost most of its peaches. But, being at the right place at the right time, we were able to get a box of these delicious, juicy gems. Truly the best peaches we've ever had! We decided we needed to preserve them so we could enjoy them in the winter! Here's how we do it....

Bring a large stock pot of water to boil. Place your peaches in for about 10 seconds or until you see the skin begin to split. You want to put it in so it heats up just the skin, but does not cook the fruit. So be fast!

When it comes out of this hot water bath, the skin literally peels right off. Peel, slice in half and then remove the pit.

Toss your peaches very gently in a bowl with about 1/4 cup lemon juice. This prevents your fruit from browning.

Carefully place your peaches into a ziploc freezer bag. Suck the air out to remove excess space and seal it up. Place it in the freezer until your ready to make a delicious peach pie or some jam! Its that easy to have fresh fruit after the season!!

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